Place born
Organisation / Person
1843-1877, soldier; photographer, British

Swiney, Captain Hugh Bladen

1843 - 1877

active 1844-1929, patentee of the Lowne's portable spirometer, British

Lowne, Robert Mann

1844 - 1929

1866-1959, printer; publisher, London; Paris; New York

Raphael Tuck and Sons Limited

1866 - 1959

1853-1917, inventor; camera manufacturer; manufacturer of optical devices; camera retailer, Belgian

van Neck, Louis

1853 - 1917

1850-1923, surgeon, British; English

Harrison Cripps, William

1850 - 1923

1862-1928, naturalist, author and lecturer, British

Kearton, Richard

1862 - 1928

1867-1944,active 1890-1920s, inventor; scientific & medical instrument maker, Austrian

Castagna, Ludwig

1867 - 1944

1863-1939; artist, British

Carter, Sir William

1863 - 1939

c1840-1882, photographer, United States, Irish; American

O'Sullivan, Timothy H

1840 - 1882

1839-1897, optical instrument maker, German-born; British

Hilger, Adam

1839 - 1897

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1862-1969, brand 1862-1988, confectionary manufacturer, British


1862 - 1988

1848-1903, engineer, English; British

Holt, Henry Percy

1848 - 1903

active 1840s, barometer maker, London

Pastorelli and Son

1848 - 1849

1858-1932, marine boiler designer, English; British

Reed, Joseph W

1858 - 1932

1853-1967, tool manufacturers, Salford, England

Craven Brothers Limited

1853 - 1967

1842-1909, astronomical instrument maker, French

Gautier, Paul Ferdinand

1842 - 1909

1864-1950, photographer, British; English

Robinson, Alfred Hind

1864 - 1950

1868-1947, manufacturer of chemicals, Battersea, London, England

Whiffen and Sons Limited

1868 - 1947

1851-1923, locomotive engineer, British

Ivatt, Henry A

1851 - 1923

1851-1929, inventor, German-born; ethnically Jewish; American

Berliner, Emile

1851 - 1929

1863-1933, spirit photographer, British

Hope, William

1863 - 1933

1864-1896, railway company, Jersey

Jersey Railways

1864 - 1936

1864-1959, submarine telegraph cable manufacturer, British

Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Co. Limited

1864 - 1959

1844-1929, physician; surgeon; bacteriologist, Scottish; British

Ogston, Sir Alexander

1844 - 1929

1834-1897, physiologist, German

Heidenhain, Rudolf Peter Heinrich

1834 - 1897

c. 1840, d. 1920, music composer; teacher; singer, British? active Italy, Spain, London

Slater, Edward

1840 - 1920

1848-1912, engraver; medallist, Italian

Giorgi, Luigi

1848 - 1912

1832-1907, surgeon, British; Scottish

Watson, Sir Patrick Heron

1832 - 1907

1854-1923, railway administrator, London

Brewer, John Jennings

1854 - 1923

active 1865-1965, bell manufacturers, Whitechapel

Mears & Stainbank Founders

1865 - 1965

1845-1922, physician, French

Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse

1845 - 1922

1863-1935, journalist, travel book writer, British

Fletcher, J. S.

1863 - 1935

1862-1893, chemist, German

Sachse, Hermann

1862 - 1893

1850-1922, medallist, Swedish

Högel, August

1850 - 1922

1842-1919, dermatologist, French

Hallopeau, Francois Henri

1842 - 1919

1859-1927, chemist, Swedish

Arrhenius, Svante August

1859 - 1927

1868-1948, chemist; antiquary; collector, English; British

Gabb, George Hugh

1868 - 1948

1859-1906, physicist, French

Curie, Pierre

1859 - 1906

1862-1940, inventor of a petrol vehicle, British

Butler, Edward

1862 - 1940

1853-1930, stockbroker; amateur photographer, British

Job, Charles

1853 - 1930

1865-1951, physician; surgeon; inventor of type of mask to administer anaesthetic, British

Cheatle, Sir George Lenthal

1865 - 1951

1868-1949, photographer, French-born, German

Meyer, Adolph de

1868 - 1949

1833-1918, brewer, businessman and inventor, English; British

Lovibond, Joseph William

1833 - 1918

1845-1902, carriage and wagon manufacturer, Saltley, Birmingham

Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited

1845 - 1902

1835-1955, opticians, optics and photographic and camera maker, Birmingham

J Lancaster and Son

1835 - 1955

1832-1901, botanist; geologist; mineralogist; arctic explorer, Finnish

Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik

1832 - 1901

1856-1939, psychoanalyst, Austro-Hungarian

Freud, Sigmund

1856 - 1939

1854-1917, immmunologist, German

Behring, Emil Adolf von

1854 - 1917

1859-1942, chemist; mountaineer, British; English

Collie, John Norman

1859 - 1942